Guidelines for papers, presentations & Posters
Guidelines for papers:
- Deadline for submission of papers (full text) 10 May 2024.
- The mode of upload of papers will be communicated by e-mail.
- Use the Template in Microsoft Word format to prepare your paper for the conference - Click here to download the Paper template
Guidelines for presentations:
- Deadline for submission of presentations 17 May 2024.
- Presentations are expected in English.
- Each presentation should not exceed 10–15 minutes (5 minutes in case of Speed talk sessions).
- The size and mode of upload of presentations will be communicated by e-mail.
- Authors are expected to present in person; in any other case please inform the Conference organizing team as soon as the reason occurs.
- Use this Template in Microsoft Power Point (.pptx) format to prepare your presentation. - Click here to download the Presentation template (PPT)
Guidelines for posters:
- A Poster session allows for a graphic presentation. The authors will illustrate their work by displaying graphs, photos, diagrams, and a small amount of text on the poster boards.
- The poster board will be 118,90 cm tall by 84,10 cm wide, mounted on poster boards.
- The authors should print their posters and bring it to the Q2024 Conference, or contact the Secretariat to ask for a Printing and Delivery Service.
- The materials should include the title of the presentation and the list of authors. Letters in the title should be size 80.
- The material should be well labelled and legible from a distance of 1,5 to 2 meters (we sugest using between size 24 and 36 depending on the amount of text used). Lettering should be in a bold print. Preferred font type is Arial with upper and lowercase letters.
- Click here to download the Poster template